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There are several ways to manage joint pain. These can range from simple lifestyle changes to injections and physical therapy. Your doctor can give you a thorough examination and decide which type of treatment is best for you. Your doctor may prescribe medications or recommend a specific exercise program. Ultimately, he or she will determine the cause of your joint pain and recommend a treatment plan that addresses it. This article will provide you with some of the options you have. If you are looking for more tips, check out Shoulder Pain
Initial assessment of your joint pain begins with a detailed medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will also determine the cause of the pain, as well as whether there is a better course of treatment. The goal is to manage the pain and maintain joint function, while minimizing its impact. Treatments are often based on the cause of your pain and can be very different for different patients. It’s important to find out the underlying cause of your pain in order to make the best decision for your condition.
Pharmacological treatments include NSAIDs, which are first-line treatment options for most joints. However, they are not effective in deep joints. Another option is topical NSAIDs, which are applied directly to the painful area. Because topical NSAIDs are applied to the skin, they produce effective concentrations in the affected tissues. Topical NSAIDs are also safe and have very few side effects compared to oral NSAIDs. However, they may cause a local skin reaction in some cases.
Exercises can also help manage joint pain. Regular exercise helps you improve range of motion and strengthen the muscles that support the joint. Keeping a healthy weight also helps relieve extra pressure on the joints. Massage and stretching exercises can help reduce pain. Low-impact exercises can also help reduce blood flow to the injured joint. Using ice to reduce swelling and pain is also beneficial. However, it is important to exercise safely when applying ice to the affected area.
If you are suffering from joint pain, you should consult with your doctor and seek treatment as soon as possible. Joint pain can be caused by a variety of conditions, including arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While knees and hips are the most common areas to be affected, other joints can be involved as well. You may need to undergo surgery if your pain is caused by infection. Your doctor will prescribe the right treatment, based on the severity of your condition.
Over-the-counter medications can help you relieve joint pain. Ibuprofen and paracetamol can provide temporary relief. NSAIDs may also be used as creams and gels to relieve pain. These medications are effective in reducing joint pain and may reduce the severity of the condition. However, they can also damage your joints, so make sure to consult a physician before using any over-the-counter medications. If you’re looking for a more long-term solution, you can consider surgery.