Shoulder Pain – Causes and Treatments

Shoulder pain can be a source of discomfort for many people. It can be a sharp or dull ache, or it can be hot, red, or swollen. It can cause a great deal of discomfort and keep you up at night. It is very important to seek medical advice as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.
Generally, shoulder pain is the result of overuse or injury to the surrounding muscles and tendons. Other causes are arthritis, bone spurs, and a broken shoulder bone. Frozen shoulder can also occur when tendons and muscles in the shoulder become stiff. In these cases, treatment can include rest and ice therapy. Medications can also be prescribed to reduce the swelling and pain. Shoulder Pain has some nice tips on this.

In some cases, however, the cause of shoulder pain may be something more serious. For instance, there could be a problem with the labrum, a tissue pocket that cushions the joint and allows the bones to move smoothly. The labrum is a very important part of the shoulder and can be strained or torn.
Conservative treatments for shoulder pain include rest, ice, anti-inflammatory drugs, and physical therapy. However, if the pain persists, a doctor may prescribe stronger medication or refer you to a specialist. If conservative treatments don’t work, shoulder surgery may be the best solution. It may take weeks or months to heal completely.
If our shoulder pain is caused by an injury, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. MRIs and X-rays are important tools for a proper diagnosis. Depending on the type of shoulder pain, a doctor may recommend rest, ice, and heat, or may suggest medication or physical therapy to increase mobility.
Low dose anti-inflammatory drugs can help manage the symptoms and help you regain function. You should talk with your doctor before trying these medications, as they can cause adverse side effects. Your doctor may also prescribe an injection to ease the pain. These may require repeated injections if necessary. Other options include hydrodilatation, which involves injecting fluid into the joint. Some studies show that hydrodilatation can help with symptom relief and improve range of motion.
Shoulder pain is often a result of a tear in the shoulder cartilage. This can occur after a fall or repetitive motion. The pain will also be accompanied by swelling, bruising, or a loss of strength. In severe cases, surgical treatment may be necessary. If the pain persists, you should see a doctor immediately.
Physical therapy is an important component of treatment. Many people experience some stiffness and pain following an injury, and physical therapy can help relieve this stiffness. Other types of shoulder pain may be caused by injuries to the rotator cuff. A torn rotator cuff may cause shoulder pain, neck pain, or both.