St Petersburg Regenerative Medicine – Finding The Best

There are many options for treatment of joint pain. Some treatments are non-surgical, while others require injections and physical therapy. St Petersburg regenerative medicine has some nice tips on this. Your doctor can suggest the best options for your condition. A good choice will depend on your individual condition and the severity of your symptoms. If your pain is severe, you may need surgery.


A doctor can diagnose your problem quickly, and begin treatment immediately if necessary. Joint pain can affect your life and interfere with your activities. A physical exam will help your doctor determine what is causing your pain. Be prepared to answer questions about the onset of the pain, and any joint injuries or illnesses you’ve had in the past.

Depending on the severity of your joint problem, you may require surgery. Surgery can help to restore joint function and reduce pain, as well as correct deformities. There are several different types of surgery to treat joint problems, including joint replacement. The most common surgeries involve replacement of the hip and knee. A partial joint replacement may be necessary if only part of the joint has been damaged. Alternatively, osteotomy, a procedure in which a bone is cut and aligned, is another treatment option. It removes inflamed tissue and shifts the joint’s weight to a more stable bone.

Some treatments include using a prescription pain reliever. Taking acetaminophen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, can relieve pain. Some doctors may also prescribe ibuprofen. You can also use dietary supplements to help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. You can also visit an occupational therapist if your pain is limiting your daily activities. A balanced exercise program can help reduce your pain and restore your health.

The first step in treating your joint pain is determining the cause of your discomfort. The most common causes of joint pain include osteoarthritis and bursitis. These conditions result from overuse or wear and tear of the joint and cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. Another option is tendinitis, inflammation of the tendons connecting bones and muscles.

Choosing the best treatment for your condition is essential to your overall health. It is important to find a doctor who has experience in treating chronic pain and will coordinate your treatment with other specialists. A good pain management program will work with you to determine your goals and monitor your progress over time. Some clinics also offer support groups.

Your doctor will likely prescribe you a combination of medications to help relieve your symptoms. However, you should remember that these options do not solve the root cause of your arthritis. They may just mask the symptoms and have side effects. This is why finding a joint pain treatment clinic is essential. The doctor at the pain clinic will provide you with options that will limit the impact of your arthritis on your everyday life.

Contact Info

QC Kinetix (St. Petersburg)
625 6th Avenue S, Suite 365
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone No. :  (813) 305-3000