The Facts On Speedy Plans For QC Kinetix Chattanooga

Joint pain is a common ailment that can be treated by a variety of methods. In some cases, simple lifestyle changes can ease the discomfort, while others may require medication or injections. If self-care fails to relieve your pain, see a physician for a more complete treatment plan. Your doctor can recommend a treatment plan based on your needs and lifestyle. Learn more about this at regenerative medicine near me

The first step in joint pain treatment is identifying the underlying cause of the condition. Some of the most common underlying causes of joint pain can be treated with topical medications. Some of these include hyaluronic acid injections, anti-inflammatory medications, and electrical nerve stimulation. A healthcare provider can also order tests and refer you to a rheumatologist for further care.

Additional imaging tests and laboratory tests may be necessary to determine the exact cause of joint pain. This will help the physician rule out any other underlying conditions. X-rays can reveal signs of bone damage and damaged cartilage, while magnetic resonance imaging can show damage to ligaments and tendons. If X-rays do not reveal a specific cause of joint pain, surgery may be needed.

Joint pain may be the result of traumatic injuries, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. It can also be caused by overuse of a joint or by an infection. Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and rickets are all examples of conditions that can cause pain in the joints. Some of these conditions are chronic and degenerative, making it difficult to do daily activities. Some of these causes can even be fatal if not treated quickly.

If the pain is severe and accompanied by a loss of mobility, the best treatment is to consult a healthcare practitioner. In the meantime, treatment should focus on relieving the discomfort caused by arthritis and strengthening the affected joint. You should also try to stay away from activities that cause joint pain. This way, you can treat the condition without having to undergo surgery.

The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which degrades the joint’s cartilage and soft tissue. As a result, the bones and soft tissue around the joint begin to rub against one another. Eventually, the body creates bone spurs and inflammation can set in. Osteoarthritis can cause severe joint pain and may even lead to deformity.

Physical therapy is a treatment option for people with arthritis. A physical therapist will prescribe specific exercises to reduce pain and restore range of motion. In some cases, patients may need to wear a brace to help reduce the stress on the joints. Physical therapy can also be done at home. For instance, alternating hot and cold treatments will help decrease the stiffness in the joints.

Over-the-counter pain medications are an option for mild joint pain. NSAIDs like aspirin and ibuprofen can be applied to the painful area. Capsaicin creams can also be used to relieve pain caused by arthritis. However, these medications have side effects and may harm the joint.

Contact Info

QC Kinetix (Chattanooga)
1309 Panorama Drive, Suite 109
Chattanooga, TN 37421
(423) 397-6628